Prophecy is a betting management system. It can be used to guess the result of WorldCup / Tournament matches in a kind of prediction. The players compete in guessing the correct result of some kind of match. Soccer, Cricket, Baseball, Basketball, or even Yes/No questions like: will Brazil win the next WorldCup. At first User need to deposit for predicting. User will get interest followed by ratio. Admin can control match lock/unlock, ratio update, question , option add instantly where user doesn’t need to website reload
If you still need any kind of help, then please mail us (The support mail address has been added in the documentation file). We are always there to help you out.
User Features
Admin Features
Demo Links
Frontend Link:
User Panel Link:
Username: demouser
Password: demouser
Admin Panel Link:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Server Requirements
✓ Minimum PHP Version 8.1
✓ MySQL Version 5.7+ or MariaDB version 10.2+
✓ BCMath PHP Extension
✓ Ctype PHP Extension
✓ Fileinfo PHP extension
✓ JSON PHP Extension
✓ Mbstring PHP Extension
✓ OpenSSL PHP Extension
✓ PDO PHP Extension
✓ PDO_MYSQL PHP Extension
✓ Tokenizer PHP Extension
✓ XML PHP Extension
✓ CURL PHP Extension
✓ GD PHP Extension
✓ GMP PHP Extension
What Is Different Between Regular License & Extended License
Regular License:
Extended License:
For More Games Or Low Price Sites Please Massage Us
Frequently Asked About Server
Question: Do I need VPS or a Dedicated server to run this system?
Answer: No, You can run this system in a shared host as well and it will run smoothly. But if you have much traffic, you may need to upgrade your server/hosting. Our codes are highly optimized to ensure the best possible performance.
Question: Which hosting provider should I choose for this? Do you have any suggestions?
Answer: You can choose any hosting provider who provides Cpanel based hosting. cPanel is not a must, but we recommend you to have cPanel based hosting.
Question: Which hosting provider should I choose for this? Do you have any suggestions?
Answer: You can choose any hosting provider who provides Cpanel based hosting. cPanel is not a must, but we recommend you to have cPanel based hosting.
Question: I don’t have cPanel, What should I do?
Answer: Nothing to worry about, Our system will work with any control panel but cPanel is easy to manage, for that we recommend cPanel based hosting. Also, Our free Support is limited to cPanel based hosting only.
Last update:
Mar 01, 2025 12:03 AM
Oct 13, 2024 08:59 PM
vPHP 8.x
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